2018 started off well here at Wabash Power with the supplying of a 250,000 PPH superheated watertube boiler to a refinery owned by a multinational corporation through a multi-year lease and optional purchase. The A-type high-pressure boiler was a great fit for the facility’s operations due to its superior design, compact foot-print, high fuel efficiency, environmentally friendly emissions, state-of-art control technology, and the flexible terms Wabash Power was able to provide.
Our Solution
The A-Type Cleaver Brooks / Nebraska boiler was designed for 750 PSIG with a 750°F superheated steam temperature and equipped with a Low NOx burner. Wabash also supplied an external stack economizer that will save the end-user nearly $600,000 in annual fuel cost. Wabash delivered this boiler on our custom railroad car, built specifically to deliver the largest shippable boilers in our inventory to our customers quickly and on time.
The upfront capital cost of a new 250,000 PPH boiler is not always practical. Wabash Power, without the need of any outside financial institution, structured the agreement to allow the boiler to be rented and supplied quickly; then allow the packaged boiler to be purchased at the client’s convenience.
Our Stock
Wabash regularly keeps package boilers of up to 300,000 PPH in-stock in many locations throughout North America for the most immediate steam needs. Along with the largest and newest trailer-mounted rental boiler fleet in the world, we currently stock a 115,000 PPH boiler, 150,000 PPH saturated boiler, 150,000 PPH 750 PSIG 750°F superheated boiler, 150,000 PPH 1025 PSIG 900°F superheated boiler, (2) 250,000 PPH superheated boilers, and (2) 300,000 PPH elevated drum superheated boilers. View all our Skid Mounted Boilers here and feel free to contact us with any questions you may have.